Governing party candidate Claudia Sheinbaum leads presidential election, according to official quick count
ABC News: US 3h ago
Southwest Airlines is going back to federal court in hopes of reversing an $800,000 award to a flight attendant who says she was fired for her anti-abortion views
ABC News: US 4h ago
Jury selection is set to begin this week in the federal gun case against President Joe Biden’s son after a deal with prosecutors fell apart that would have avoided the spectacle of a trial so close to the 2024 election
ABC News: US 4h ago
World shares have started June mostly higher, though gains in some markets were whittled back later in the day
ABC News: US 5h ago
Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi concedes defeat in surprise primary upset by congressional delegate
ABC News: US 6h ago
The Edmonton Oilers beat the Dallas Stars 2-1 to advance to the Stanley Cup Final against the Florida Panthers
ABC News: US 6h ago
Prosecutors plan to dismiss murder and manslaughter charges against a Minnesota state trooper who fatally shot a motorist as he tried to pull away from a traffic stop
ABC News: US 7h ago
Puerto Rico Rep. Jesús Manuel Ortiz defeats Sen. Juan Zaragoza in gubernatorial primary held by Popular Democratic Party
ABC News: US 7h ago
Sally Buzbee has stepped down after three years as executive editor of The Washington Post, one of journalism's most storied brands
ABC News: US 7h ago
Gymnastics star Simone Biles cruised to a record ninth U.S. Championship, giving good friend Sunisa Lee a boost along the way
ABC News: US 8h ago
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