(KNSI) — A Sauk Rapids man already charged with firing a gun outside the Pickled Loon downtown St. Cloud is now facing 17 new gun-related charges.
According to court documents filed in Stearns County, 21-year-old Jay James Olson sold guns without serial numbers known as ghost guns and switches used to convert semi-automatic weapons into fully automatic weapons and firearm suppressors. The ghost guns police say are often used in violent crimes like drive-by shootings, assaults, robberies, and murder. Investigators say Olson assembled, distributed, and sold hundreds of ghost guns and manipulated firearms to buyers in and out of Stearns County.
A search warrant executed April 26th at a home in Waite Park turned up a .9mm handgun and a .22 rifle, along with pieces and parts for AR-15s and an AR-9 and numerous firearms suppressors, according to the criminal complaint. High capacity magazines, carbine conversion kits, a discharged cartridge casing catcher, three pistols, and 13 handguns with no serial numbers. If sold on the street, the value of the items is estimated to be around $20,000.
Also allegedly found in the home were 6.686 kilograms of marijuana in various forms, including baggies, nuggets, edibles, wax, cartridges, items pertaining to drug sales, and $4,160 in cash.
Last summer, Olson was charged with second-degree assault and reckless discharge of a firearm after police say he threatened people with a gun inside the Pickled Loon and then fired five shots in the alley behind the business.
In the latest case, Olson is charged with 16 counts of receiving or possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number and drug possession while possessing a firearm. He is due back in court on May 19th.
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