
(KNSI) — With more drivers turning to electric vehicles, training for firefighters and EMTs must keep up so those who are injured in a crash can be removed safely and those doing the rescuing won’t need medical attention themselves.

General Motors is hosting free training this week for first responders to learn about high-voltage components and other unique aspects of these vehicles. GM engineer Joe McLaine says there’s a lot of new information to know in keeping everyone safe in situations such as a car fire.

“We make the recommendation to not pierce the battery pack, but look for ways to get that water inside. And one way is to make the vehicle like a hot tub: Fill it up from the inside.”

He says this approach is more effective than spraying all over the exterior with the water running off and not reaching the heat source.

When extricating passengers with EVs, there’s so much voltage going through the car; it makes it more challenging to cut through for fear of electrocution, even after a battery is disconnected. Some companies, such as Tesla, have models with markings specifically for fire departments, so they know where it is safe to cut.

McLaine says the technology for electric-powered vehicles has surfaced several times, and with a big build-up for EVs taking shape, he says the public should have confidence that key preparations continue to move forward as well. “It is something that the industry and folks who develop standards and think about this have taken very seriously over the last several decades.”

While the training is open to all first responders, McLaine says it’s particularly important for rural E-M-Ts and firefighters, who are volunteers and may have different training than professionals. “Most of the fire services in the United States, the vast majority are from volunteer fire departments. Where we’ve gone around the country, and where we’ve targeted certain areas that we deliver this training, we have seen a tremendous outpouring of support and appreciation.”


MNC Reporter Mike Moen contributed to this story.


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