
(KNSI) – The Dementia Community Action Network has an event scheduled for later this month dedicated exclusively to those who look after patients and family members.

Founder Patrick Zook says DCAN takes a holistic approach that factors in the contributions of everyone involved in the dementia treatment process, including caregivers.

“We recognize that if we try to take the patient as an isolated unit out of the family context of the caregivers and those involved in caregiving, we’re not going to do as well. We estimate 90% of our effort is actually towards the benefit of caregivers.”

Fighting Alzheimer’s and other similar diseases is a team effort. Patients quickly come to rely on loved ones. Even though it is a burden gladly given, caregivers are often worn down by the strain it causes. Zook says it isn’t what you sign up for when you agree to marry a person.

“As soon as you start your partnership or marriage, you’re caregivers for each other, whether you know it or not. When you start off, you’re 5% caregiver and 95% partner, with all the benefits, and it sneaks up on you. Before you realize it, you’re a 30% caregiver and 70% spouse. And then before you know it, you’re 70% caregiver and 30% spouse.”

The Fall Caregivers’ Conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 26th, at the River’s Edge Convention Center. If you register online beforehand, a boxed lunch is provided. Admission is also free.

DCAN also hosts a summit in the spring.


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