“The Home Show” with Bob & Kat is a program on 99.3FM and 1450AM KNSI every Saturday at 10 AM and Sunday at 8 AM. “The Home Show with Bob and Kat” is catered to homeowners and future homeowners and hosts a group of local experts that can answer anything you want and need to know about owning a home.
Each week, our hosts Kat and Bob Hughes host a different expert and topic that can include anything to do with the interior, exterior or financials of the home. The format is informal, casual and fun so grab a cup of coffee and join us!
Have a question you want answered on the show? ‘Like’ Us on Facebook and post your question on our page.
The Home Show is brought to you by these sponsors:
East Side Glass
Contact: Luke Ferkinhoff
Phone: (320) 251-1900
Woods Farmer Seed and Nursery
Contact: Morgan Woods
Phone: (320) 252-5234
H&S Heating and A/C
Contact: Jeremy Salzbrun
Phone: (320) 654-1522
Email: Jeremy@hsheatingandair.com
Envision Capital
Contact: Eileen Theisen
Phone: (320) 291-1075
Email: eileen@envcap.com
Contact: Brandon Johnson and Heidi Voigt
Phone: (320) 774-2400
American Door Works
Contact: Nathan Brown
Phone: (320) 253-1310