Annual count shows slight dip in number of homeless people in Los Angeles County as crisis continues
ABC News: US 4h ago
Two giant pandas from China have safely arrived in Southern California, where they will be cared for as part of an ongoing conservation partnership
ABC News: US 4h ago
Prosecutors at the bribery trial of Sen. Bob Menendez are done presenting their case, enabling the Democrat and two New Jersey businessmen to begin calling their own witnesses to support defense arguments
ABC News: US 4h ago
A Texas jury has found a driver guilty of intoxication manslaughter over the deaths of eight people who were struck by an SUV that plowed into a crowded bus stop outside a migrant shelter on the U.S.-Mexico border
ABC News: US 4h ago
The chief judge of the Oklahoma Supreme Court is recommending the immediate suspension and eventual removal of a state district judge who faces separate shooting charges in Oklahoma and Texas
ABC News: US 4h ago
U.S. officials say the pier built by the U.S. military to bring aid to Gaza is being removed due to weather to protect it, and the U.S. is considering not re-installing it unless aid begins flowing out into the population again
ABC News: US 4h ago
A Michigan appeals court has revived a lawsuit against Detroit-area paramedics accused of putting a live woman in a body bag
ABC News: US 4h ago
Biden tries for a post-debate reset, saying, 'I don't debate as well as I used to' but 'I know how to do this job'
ABC News: US 4h ago
Yellowstone National Park officials say a rare white buffalo sacred to Native Americans has not been seen since its birth on June 4
ABC News: US 4h ago
Preliminary results reported by Mongolia's ruling party say the party won parliamentary election but by a slim majority
ABC News: US 4h ago
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Ben Shapiro is editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com, and host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” the top conservative podcast in the nation, and a leading conservative speaker on college campuses, consistently defending free speech and open debate.

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