A federal judge has approved the Biden administration’s request to partially end a nearly three-decade-old agreement to provide court oversight of how the government cares for migrant children in its custody
ABC News: US 6h ago
ESPN college basketball analyst Dick Vitale says on social media he has been diagnosed with cancer for a fourth time
ABC News: US 6h ago
Bolivia’s president tells the AP that the general accused of leading a failed coup wanted to “take over” as president
ABC News: US 6h ago
A federal judge has temporarily blocked a Georgia law that restricts organizations that help people pay bail so they can be released while their criminal cases are pending
ABC News: US 6h ago
County officials have bought and demolished a Minnesota family store that was precariously perched beside a cliff near a flood-damaged dam
ABC News: US 6h ago
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board event celebrated the park’s $700,000 renovation and its new name, the Lorraine B. Smaller Park.
Regina Medina 6h ago
San Francisco’s mayor says the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court allowing cities to enforce bans on sleeping outside in public spaces will allow the city to begin clearing homeless encampments that have plagued the city
ABC News: US 7h ago
A fire official says a minivan has slammed into a Long Island nail salon, killing four and injuring nine
ABC News: US 7h ago
Missouri Gov. Mike Parson has vetoed funding for a school safety initiative using gun-detection surveillance systems
ABC News: US 7h ago
Republican legislators in battleground state Wisconsin are appealing a ruling allowing disabled people to download absentee ballots at home
ABC News: US 7h ago
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