Dozens of bottles of centuries-old, impeccably preserved cherries and berries from the cellar of George Washington's Mount Vernon estate in northern Virginia have been discovered during an archaeological dig
ABC News: US 11h ago
Police have cleared an entrenched pro-Palestinian encampment at California State University, Los Angeles, just days after demonstrators occupied and trashed a building
ABC News: US 11h ago
The city of Los Angeles will pay $300,000 to settle a lawsuit it filed against a local journalist and a technology watchdog group last year for posting the photos and information of hundreds of undercover police officers online
ABC News: US 11h ago
Vice President Kamala Harris has met with an Israeli lawyer who has publicly described being sexually assaulted while held hostage in Gaza
ABC News: US 12h ago
A former nurse at an Oregon hospital is facing criminal charges that she harmed nearly four dozen patients by stealing fentanyl and replacing it with non-sterile tap water in intravenous drips
ABC News: US 12h ago
Whether it’s hiking, biking or paddling, there’s plenty of places to discover across the state.
Cathy Wurzer and Ellen Finn 12h ago
A federal judge has temporarily blocked an Iowa law that allows law enforcement in the state to file criminal charges against people with outstanding deportation orders or who previously had been denied entry to the United States
ABC News: US 12h ago
Hoyt Garland Harwell, a longtime reporter for the Associated Press who covered key events in the American South, has died
ABC News: US 12h ago
A federal judge temporarily blocks an Iowa law that allows authorities to criminally charge people facing deportation
ABC News: US 12h ago
The Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear a challenge to Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' partial veto locking in a school funding increase for the next 400 years
ABC News: US 12h ago
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