Emily Sands of the Williams Bookstore in Williamstown, Mass., recommends “Star Bringer” by Tracy Wolf and Nina Croft.
Emily Bright 1h ago
Team USA is holding its Paralympic Swimming Trials at the University of Minnesota this weekend. Among the competitors are Mallory Weggemann of Eagan, Natalie Sims of Edina and Summer Schmit of Stillwater.
Anika Besst 1h ago
Prairie Island Indian Community’s new cannabis dispensary near Red Wing is the first to be located within an hour’s drive of the Twin Cities.
Melissa Olson 1h ago
A grand jury in Tarrant County, Texas, has indicted two county jail guards on murder charges for the asphyxiation death of an inmate at the jail in Fort Worth
ABC News: US 2h ago
In the last 10 days of June, on a frenetic pace of its own making, the Supreme Court has touched a wide swath of American society in decisions on abortion, guns, the environment, health, the opioid crisis, securities fraud and homelessness
ABC News: US 2h ago
An attacker with a crossbow wounded a police officer guarding the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade before being shot dead
ABC News: US 3h ago
Guest lineups for the Sunday news shows
ABC News: US 3h ago
With temperatures rising across the country and school out for the summer, many families will visit the beach, lake or local swimming pool
ABC News: US 4h ago
After President Biden’s surprisingly weak debate performance this week, some defenders have pointed to other incumbents who stumbled in their first debate but recovered to win reelection.
Ron Elving 5h ago
Iranian official says reformist Masoud Pezeshkian and hard-liner Saeed Jalili heading to a runoff presidential election
ABC News: US 6h ago
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