
(KNSI) – A pair of bills marginally related to abortion have failed to get out of the Minnesota House after receiving no support from the Democratic caucus.

On Thursday evening, the DFL put out a press release celebrating the death of House Files 24 and 25, saying they restrict access to abortion. HF 24 would have required abortion clinics to provide the highest standard of care to babies who survive an attempted abortion and are still alive outside of the womb.

DFL Floor Leader Jamie Long slammed the bill. “Let’s be clear: doctors already provide appropriate medical care, and to suggest otherwise is false, offensive, and dangerous. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for pushing easily disproved falsehoods that harm already vulnerable people who face devastating pregnancy complications later in pregnancy.”

The Republican sponsor, Rep. Krista Knudsen, believes the bill is a matter of simple human dignity. “Preserving the life and health of newborn babies is not controversial. These infants need protection and care regardless of the circumstances that led to their birth. This is an opportunity to affirm the value of every life, ensure medical accountability, and uphold the most basic human rights.”

HF 25 sought to restore funding to pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes. The facilities enjoyed bipartisan financial backing for almost two decades. The DFL trifecta ended the measure in 2023. GOP Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar states, “HF 25 doesn’t take anything away. It simply restores funding that was always there so women can access all options when making important life decisions. This should not be a partisan issue. Women deserve full support because choice means choice.”

DFL lawmakers countered that the sites traffic in false or misleading statements about abortion that pressure people into seeking care elsewhere. Both bills were party line votes. All 67 Republicans voted yes, but a true majority of 68 is needed for legislation to advance out of the chamber.


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