
(KNSI) – St. Cloud mayoral candidates Jake Anderson and Mike Conway discussed public safety when they stepped into the KNSI studio on Monday to talk about the issues facing the city they hope to lead.

A summertime political survey conducted by KNSI showed that 30% of respondents listed crime, policing and public safety as their number one concern. Anderson says he would make sure the police department has what it needs to do its job. “I don’t think anybody doubts [the] St. Cloud police and the effectiveness of the police force. So, I would never look to reduce their budget. I think it’s important to continue to fund them appropriately.”

Conway called keeping law enforcement funded one of his main priorities. “One of the top points of my candidacy is to maintain and ensure that. So, having [an] adequate police force and maintaining that budget is something that would never be challenged or withdrawn.”

Both men voiced support for continuing the Community Action Team, which pairs police officers with social workers to respond to mental health calls, and the Community Outposts, also known as the COP Houses. Conway feels the programs save taxpayers money in the long run.

Another concern is the perception that downtown isn’t safe. Anderson believes it is important to have a law enforcement presence in the area. “I would also like to see officers on bike and on foot walking through the downtown. Just to get the presence there. Even if it’s the parking control folks.”

Candidate Conway says the city has added more lighting to its parking ramps and streets along with more security cameras throughout the downtown and needs to help fill empty lots like the old Press Bar and vacant storefronts with development, “All of those things are to bring more people downtown, and where you have more people, the bad guys don’t want to hang around where there’s too many people. So, I think if we can just change the perception to bring people downtown. I think that’ll help.”

He says the perception isn’t new and feels local organizations will be key to getting people to visit the district.

The two men are looking to replace Dave Kleis, who announced he wouldn’t seek another term after 20 years as mayor. The election is November 5th.


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