(KNSI) – A community meeting is planned for Tuesday, November 29th, to map out the future of East St. Germain Street.
The gathering will be just the first step in revitalizing the eastern end of the city. Ward 2 Councilor-Elect Karen Larson says there is momentum building in the area and plenty of good news is ready to be shared.
“We have new business owners. We have businesses being renovated on the basis of recent grants. We have all kinds of excitement about the possibility of making East St Germain thrive again.”
The meeting is scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. and will be held inside the Salem Lutheran Church at 90 Riverside Drive Northeast.
Larson says the new St. Cloud Downtown Alliance will be focusing first on three economic zones, which do not include the east end. That creates an opportunity for a new or retooled organization to complement what is being done elsewhere in her ward.
Larson says the meeting is just the first step in a more comprehensive attempt to spruce up the area.
“We will be looking also at other types of developments, not just business but other kinds of services that might be coming over to the east side. This meeting will be focused on East St. Germain. That’s as far as we’re gonna get in this first informational, “take the pulse, get together as a community and find out who we are” meeting.”
Current residents, business owners, and others interested in the area’s future are encouraged to attend.
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