(KNSI) – A group of Minnesota GOP senators are looking to cut the Northstar Line to help save state government some money.
At a press conference on Monday, deputy minority leader John Jasinski said that with a future budget projection showing the state $6 billion in the hole in the next biennium, ending the service is necessary. He notes the line’s finances are in terrible shape.
“A recent MnDOT report confirmed that Northstar is a financial black hole. It’s 97% subsidized. Less than 3% of its costs are actually by ticketed sales. Taxpayers are footing the bill for virtually the entire train.”
Jasinski elaborated further on the cost being borne by the public. “We could save $11 to $12 million per year by cutting out the Northstar train. It’s approximately $173 per ride that is government subsidized.”
The Northstar Line connects Minneapolis with Big Lake. Buses bring riders up to St. Cloud. MnDOT and the Metropolitan Council said in February that they were already looking into shutting down the trains in favor of a more cost-effective option.
Ridership on Northstar has collapsed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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