(KNSI) — January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and a local resource center has received $10,000 to further its mission.
Terebinth Refuge in St. Cloud was awarded a grant from Our Rescue’s “Join the Fight” educational campaign to support its holistic healing program.
Our Rescue awarded $260,000 to ten nonprofit organizations in Minnesota and five other states. Terebinth was one of two in Minnesota to receive a grant. The other was in Minneapolis.
Our Rescue CEO Tammy Lee said, “We are honored to support the critical work of nonprofits making a tangible impact in the fight against sex trafficking and child exploitation. These organizations are aligned with our mission as they focus on raising awareness, driving prevention and providing life-changing, trauma-informed care for survivors across all communities, women, young adult men and LGBTQIA+ individuals. Their efforts foster hope, healing and resilience as survivors rebuild their lives and reclaim their futures.”
Terebinth Refuge received a $15,000 grant from the Wonen’s Fund of the Central Minnesota Community Foundation for its mental health programming earlier this month.
Terebinth Refuge opened its doors in April of 2018, becoming the first dedicated shelter in the St. Cloud area for women who were survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation. It provides shelter, transitional housing and comprehensive trauma-informed services for women survivors of sexual exploitation.
Minnesota is ranked third in the nation for human trafficking cases.
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