(KNSI) – The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension says its data shows the state is becoming safer.
It logged a 6.9% decrease in the most dangerous crimes in 2023. Aggravated assaults tumbled 3.4%, and rapes fell by 11.85%. Arsons and murders were roughly equal to 2022, both down from recent highs. They are still well above pre-pandemic levels, though. Locally, St. Cloud registered four homicides, just below its record of five. Sartell and Waite Park had one each.
New, tougher laws helped bring down motor vehicle theft. Over 15,610 vehicles were taken, but that’s significantly less than the 16,743 stolen the year before. Carjackings also tumbled dramatically, off 37.8%.
Larceny sank to the lowest level since 1955. The BCA registered 72,701 cases, which is well below pre-COVID levels. In 2019, there were 90,257 incidents. Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara warned in March that his force was so short-staffed that it may have to stop responding to property crimes entirely. That trend may have already begun to affect the numbers in 2023.
The BCA says hate crimes and assault of law enforcement officers rose last year. There were 16 use-of-force incidents where police used a gun, two fewer than in 2022.
You can view the 2023 Uniform Crime Report in its entirety here.
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