
(KNSI) — Luke Bryan sings about his big, black, jacked up truck, and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety’s Office of Traffic Safety is using such equipment to catch and ticket distracted drivers.

According to the OTS, as dangerous driving habits continue to be a major problem on Minnesota roads, they have to get creative to help law enforcement partners change dangerous driving behaviors before they lead to a crash.

OTS has awarded a total of $912,000 to law enforcement agencies to purchase 13 specialized pickup trucks, which will allow officers to conduct traffic enforcement from a higher vantage point. It will allow them a better view to see if drivers are distracted, not wearing their seat belt or engaging in other dangerous driving behaviors.

Preliminary figures show distracted driving contributed to an average of 29 deaths and 146 life-changing injuries a year from 2019 to 2023.

During the April 2024 distracted driving enforcement campaign, law enforcement officers issued 5,380 citations for violations of Minnesota’s hands-free cell phone law – nearly 2,000 more than during last year’s campaign.

“When we respond to a crash, we see far too often how a dangerous choice can take a life or seriously hurt the people involved. By then, it’s too late,” said Olmsted County Sheriff Kevin Torgerson. “The higher vantage point of the traffic safety vehicle will help us see distractions, unbelted passengers and child restraint issues and intervene before something terrible happens.”


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