
(KNSI) — Experts expect this Memorial Day weekend to be one of the busiest on the road and in the air in nearly twenty years.

AAA Regional Director of Public Affairs Skyler McKinley connected with KNSI News and believes we’ll see robust travel figures nationwide, with 43.8 million travelers going 50 miles or more from home, a 4% increase over last year. “All told, we think this is going to be the busiest Memorial Day weekend since 2005, [and] the second busiest of all time. And as a function of that, we’re going to see very, very busy travel for July 4th and throughout the summer.”

AAA predicts the bulk, or about 38.4 million people, will be driving to their destination. McKinley warns people to pack their patience. “If you’re thinking about travel, remember, so is everybody else. And remember, you can’t be mad at traffic; you are traffic.”

He says to help avoid traffic jams, try to head out early on Thursday or Friday and to save your car from idling on the drive home, try leaving early on Monday.


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