
(KNSI) — St. Cloud City Councilwoman Carol Lewis announced Monday she is running for mayor.

Lewis, a lawyer by trade, has been a council member for 12 years and on the St. Cloud School Board for eight years. She told KNSI News she feels she has the experience to lead the city. “I know this city well. I am a St. Cloud Tech graduate. I’m a St. Cloud State graduate. I have my small business here in town. I know how the city works.”

Lewis also serves on the St. Cloud HRA Board, Whitney Senior Center Board, and the Minden Township Annexation Board.

Lewis says she is a good listener who would keep an open door and a line of communication. If elected mayor, one of her priorities would be to “maintain our financial stability. I would like to make sure that we keep our community safe and strong. And we want to make a very prosperous community.”

If successful, Lewis would become the first female mayor in city history.

Last Friday, Mayor Dave Kleis announced that after 20 years in office, he wouldn’t seek reelection. He is the city’s longest-serving mayor.


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