(KNSI) — The Minnesota Department of Transportation is releasing its list of more than 200 road projects for the 2024 construction season.
One of the biggest is phase two of the Highway 10/Highway 23 rebuild. Westbound Highway 10 and adjacent roads, eastbound Highway 23 and the bridge over Highway 10 and adjacent roads will be constructed. Access ramps to and from the interchange, the City of St. Cloud 4th Street bridge over Highway 10, and sidewalks and trail connections will also be worked on. The old eastbound Highway 23 bridge that spans Highway 10 will be torn down this summer.
Also on Highway 23 is the South Gap project, which will expand seven miles of the roadway to four lanes from New London to Paynesville. It connects with the North Gap, which was finished last year. Once everything is done, drivers will have four lanes from Willmar to Foley.
Twelve miles of Highway 23 from Milaca to east of Ogilvie will be resurfaced, realigned, and get new left turn lanes. Detours will be in place while drainage structures are installed. Drivers will have to deal with lane closures, alternate one-way traffic, flaggers, and following a pilot car.
In Monticello, the Highway 25 bridge will be resurfaced. Approach panels and joints will be repaired, and sidewalks will be widened, lighting upgraded, and drainage improved. Work will go from Wright County Road 75 to Sherburne County Road 11/14. Detours will be posted, but drivers should prepare for significant delays.
Starting in July, Interstate 94 will be widened to six lanes (three in each direction) to close the gap between Albertville and Monticello, but preparations will start in spring. On westbound 94, the bridge over Wright County Road 19 in Albertville will be replaced, and the bridge over County Road 75 in Monticello will be widened. Underground pipes will be replaced or repaired. Noise wall installation is also being explored.
See the list by clicking here.
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