
(KNSI) — Local churches will be packed this weekend as the Easter season approaches.

Palm Sunday was the start of Holy Week. Father Scott Pogatchnik with the Diocese of St. Cloud sat down with KNSI News as religious leaders prepared to celebrate the triduum. “It really means in Latin three days. And the three most important days are Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Saturday that really leads to the Easter Vigil.” He says that service flows into Easter Sunday.

Father Scott explains the purpose behind the services during Holy Week. “Everything Christ does is really for these three days, where he shows us that suffering has a redemptive force, that even when we’re in or out trials, and difficulty hits, like there’s a purpose to all of that, even if we don’t understand it.”

Holy Thursday is when the Last Supper, known as the Eucharist or Holy Communion, occurred. It is also the night Jesus was arrested. On Good Friday, Jesus is in prison and eventually goes through the way of the cross, where he’s marched to his crucifixion and eventual death. This is marked by Saturday night’s Easter Vigil, where Jesus rises from the grave.

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