(KNSI) – The City of St. Cloud’s salt storage building could be bursting at the seams this year.
Luckily, it fits 4,000 tons. Assistant Public Works Director Brian Schoenecker says the mild winter means crews needed significantly less than what was delivered, which is determined by state contract.
“Typically, we order between 3,000 and 3,100 tons of road salt each year. We have the option of only purchasing 80% of what we order, or we can go up to 110% of what we ordered.”
Shoenecker says even with last year’s record winter season, the department used less than they received. He notes the biggest drain on their reserves comes when there is an ice storm. Snow is mostly handled with the plow trucks.
The department is responsible for local and residential streets, plus roads overseen by two different counties. Schoenecker mentions, “We have a maintenance agreement with Stearns County and Sherburne County, with some of the roads that are in city limits here. We plow them and then we do some crack sealing and pothole repair on them.”
Crews started patching in late February. The city contracts for a richer asphalt mix each fall that can be put down on pavement during chilly weather while also staying in place longer than traditional cold patch. All crews have to do is heat it up when it is needed.
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