
(KNSI) – Stearns County held a public hearing on banning the use of marijuana products anywhere in public but will take more time before making a decision. Commissioners decided to leave the public hearing open and will continue their discussion later this month.

The county is considering prohibiting the use of cannabis flower, products, edibles and “other hemp-derived products in a public place or a place of public accommodation “unless the premises is an establishment or an event licensed to permit onsite consumption of adult-use cannabis flower and adult-use cannabis products.”

It would cover the whole county except for “cities of the first class, and those cities or townships that have adopted their own ordinance establishing standards for public use of cannabis.”

Stearns County Sheriff Steve Soyka spoke at Tuesday’s hearing and said the ordinance is a good starting point. “Will it stop it 100%? No, but I would agree that if you’re at a family-friendly [area] or you’re on the Wobegon Trail with your family that, you shouldn’t be subjected to the secondhand smoke.”

Soyka told the board that if they passed the ordinance, people could still have marijuana in public. “You can possess a certain amount on the street or in your vehicle, you can’t be using it just like you can have a six-pack of beer walking around, as long as it’s not opened, on the streets. You just can’t use it.”

Commissioners were concerned about how cannabis would be regulated at private establishments such as bars with outdoor smoking areas. Sheriff Soyka says his understanding is a bar would need to apply for a permit to allow onsite use. He said stops where the driver is suspected to be high would be treated the same as a DWI.

Soyka also told the board the statute includes zero tolerance for anyone in a position of authority overseeing safety. That would include doctors, nurses, police officers, and bus drivers, to name a few. Federal regulations also ban anyone with a commercial driver’s license from using recreational marijuana.

Commissioner Tarryl Clark said they need more information before making a decision. “What I keep hearing is there’s way more questions than there are answers right now. So, we’re going to try and make a really good effort and then we may be coming back and changing things. And honestly, depending upon how human beings act, it might impact what we all come back with.”

Sheriff Soyka agreed there’s going to be some growing pains. “I suspect it will be a mess for a little while.”

The next Stearns County Commissioners meeting is August 22nd.


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