(KNSI) – Minnesota Governor Tim Walz had laid out a revised budget plan that provides more money for public safety, cities and a tax credit for electric car purchases. The proposed budget is 65.2 billion, around 25% more than the current two-year budget.
The proposal brings $550 million to support police and firefighters. Funds would be doled out based on population to help offset property taxes.
The governor also recommends a $10 million yearly increase to the Local Government Aid and County Program Aid programs to help cities and counties pay for infrastructure. That would bring their total recommendation to $40 million annually in LGA/CGA.
The budget has $240 million to replace lead service lines and a $2,500 tax credit for people who buy an electric vehicle.
The governor and lieutenant governor also recommends $160 million in funding to combat the opioid crisis by expanding access to a culturally focused program to buy clean needles and testing supplies.
Thursday’s announcement follows the January rollout of the budget. Details for the revised budget can be found online.
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