
(KNSI) — A 38-year-old man is jailed after allegedly assaulting a police officer.

According to the criminal complaint, just after 11:00 Thursday night, St. Cloud police were called to the Days Inn because someone who had been trespassed from the property returned and was sitting in the lobby. Officers responded and found the man, identified as Joshua Hooper, who claimed he didn’t know he couldn’t be there. The officer told him he was under arrest and asked him to stand up and put his hands behind his back. The officer had Hooper partially in custody when he pulled away and refused to comply with other commands. He then rushed at the officer and threw a punch, hitting him on the top of his head. In the scuffle, the officer slipped on the freshly mopped floor and landed on his elbows, injuring both of them. He got behind a small couch, unholstered his Taser and called for backup. Hooper would not get on the ground as asked and started to walk toward the officer, who tased him.

When backup arrived, the two got Hooper into custody.

He has been charged with felony assault of a police officer, gross misdemeanor obstruction, and misdemeanor trespassing. Judge William Cashman ordered Hooper to be held without bail.


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