
(KNSI) — The League of Minnesota Cities has recognized two local lawmakers as 2022 Legislators of Distinction.

Senator Jeff Howe and Representative Dan Wolgamott were named as two of 18 legislators to earn the honor. The League says they did so by how they helped the efforts of Minnesota cities over the past year’s legislative session by being accessible to League representatives, seeking the League’s input on issues of importance, listening to concerns, and being receptive to information provided by the League on issues, sponsor and/or support League initiatives, speak out on behalf of the interest of cities, and demonstrate the importance of having relationships between the state and cities.

According to a press release, Sen. Howe carried a bill that would have addressed trends and costs related to public safety duty disability claims. The measure would have implemented mental injury prevention measures, fully funded the employer’s share of the continued health insurance benefit required under Minnesota law, and kept employees on payroll while being treated for a mental injury. The League credits Howe with working with stakeholders to advance this bipartisan legislation.

Senator Howe and Representative Wolgamott authored and shepherded a bill to make mental health data sharing with law enforcement easier, which will help law enforcement better respond to mental health calls. The League says, “This new law will equip law enforcement with limited but helpful information to help people in mental health crises.”

In addition, Sen. Howe carried legislation that would have provided a permanent funding source for the Small Cities Assistance Account. This program benefits streets in cities with populations below 5,000.

Legislators of Distinction are approved annually by the League’s Board of Directors to recognize the collaboration of state and city officials needed to successfully serve shared communities and meet the unique needs of rural, urban, and suburban residents across Minnesota.


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