(KNSI) – Centracare’s Lead COVID-19 Physician Dr. George Morris is encouraging everyone eligible to get a booster vaccine dose. He says the vaccines remain effective against new variants, but only when your immune system is prodded to remain vigilant. It depends on the health of the individual as far as how often the extra doses are needed. He says someone who is immunocompromised could need them as often as every two months, with others around once per four months.
Regulators at the federal level say continuous boosters are unsustainable and are pushing for a vaccine aimed at recent variants, which would be taken annually, similar to a flu shot. Morris advises against waiting for that update.
“The shots are very effective, and there’s no need to wait because you are worried about, “Well, what about the next variant? Will it work?” They’ve been holding their own, and helping save lives, and prevent people in the hospital.”
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla suggested at a press conference last Wednesday that a variant-specific vaccine will not be ready until fall, and he is unsure when there would be the ability to mass produce the updated formulation.
Morris says mixing and matching is the best way to go. He praised Centracare for being open to the option, including from a billing and coding standpoint.
“From that cost perspective, they’re managed similarly. That’s why if I would advise I think mixing and matching is a good clinical treatment.”
There are three potential vaccine options; Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson. The first two use mRNA technology while the latter relies on an adenovirus to teach your body to recognize the virus.
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