(KNSI) — Governor Tim Walz Wednesday embarked on a statewide public safety tour to listen to residents and law enforcement concerns and tout his $300 million public safety spending bill.
The budget invests $300 million over three years to cities, counties, and tribes across the state, “encouraging and supporting new ways of meeting the evolving expectations of public safety in communities across Minnesota.” The budget also invests in recruiting officers who “represent the population of our state” and reducing violent crime by providing “investigative support to local agencies.” The average city would get about $240,000 per year for public safety.
Governor Walz says each city should decide what cutting crime looks like for their city, whether that’s crime prevention or more officers out on the streets. The budget also funds community-driven crime prevention grants for probation, youth services and truancy programs, neighborhood watch, resident engagement, and elder abuse prevention.
St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson believes more needs to be done to keep violent offenders in jail and blames judges for going too easy on violent offenders, letting them back out on the streets with little to no bail. Anderson says that doesn’t teach them anything because there aren’t any consequences for their actions.
Earlier this week, a bill was introduced to “recruit and retain police officers with strong moral character.” The bill would essentially make it easier for anyone from any background, provided they had a college degree, to become a police officer. While some say the bill is aimed at “ramming anybody who wants to be a police officer through training,” co-author, St. Cloud Representative Dan Wolgamottt, says it was written in consultation with the Minnesota Sheriff’s Association, Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, and Minnesota Department of Public Safety. He says the proposal would “utilize the Minnesota State system to provide intensive, comprehensive coursework and training for highly qualified college degree holders and high school graduates.” Adding that with the budget forecast the way it is with a projected $7.7 billion surplus, now is the time to invest.
Chief Anderson says law enforcement needs to invest in what works and lawmakers need to support the programs showing results.
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