(KNSI) – St. Cloud will release its redistricting map for review before approval ahead of the 2022 elections. Every ten years following the Census, districts are redrawn to make each one equal in population. Last week, a court-appointed committee showed the redrawn map of the boundaries for Minnesota’s eight Congressional Districts, 67 Minnesota Senator Districts, and 134 House Districts.
St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis says now it’s the city’s turn.

City of St. Cloud
“At the city level, we have to do the same thing. We have four wards. We have seven members of the city council. Those wards have to have equal populations. Over the last decade, two of those wards got too large and two of them have to get geographically smaller to keep equal populations. One ward has to get bigger geographically to keep the population and one stays about the same.”
He says the proposed map will be displayed on the cities website on Wednesday for the public to see and comment on.
“The city council will have an opportunity to look at that. They’ll set a public hearing for March 28th. That’ll be the opportunity for the public to have a final weighin but prior to that you can actually comment on the city’s website. You can call council members or you can actually stop by city hall.”
The proposed maps will be on the city’s website.
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