(KNSI)- Implementation of a 35-second shot clock beginning in the 2023-2024 season for Boys and Girls Basketball was approved Thursday by the Minnesota State High School League’s Board of Directors during its regularly scheduled meeting. Currently in Minnesota, the shot clock may be used in regular-season nonconference contests or invitational tournaments if both schools agree, the host school is properly equipped, and the assigned officials approve. Emmett Keenan, the Athletic Director of Cathedral High School, says fans may see a small change in the game,
“I think, from a coaching perspective, as you head down the stretch, can you try to get a stop? Because you only have to play defense for 35 seconds, and then hopefully you get to stop. So I think it will change some strategy at the end of the game.”
Currently, 19 percent of Minnesota schools have shot clocks installed. This number grows to a total of 76 percent reporting they could have them installed for the 2023-2024 season. However, some school districts are worried about the additional costs.
“You’ll need a designated person who operates the shot clock, and the cost of that is not as significant as the fact that they have to be someone that knows what they’re doing. Right now we have a scoreboard operator, a clock operator and a score book person at the desk along with our PA announcer, so we need a fifth person for every varsity game. And again, the expense of that is not as much a concern to me as it is to make sure that we have qualified people that know and understand the shot clock rules. When do you reset when do you don’t, those type of things. We’re pretty fortunate we have people in our organization that get the rules and understand how that plays into the game.”
League Staff will assist member schools in preparation for the implementation of the shot clock provision.
KNSI Reporter/Anchor Jeff McMahon contributed to this story.