(KNSI) – Sidewalks art has popped up in east St. Cloud to remind people to do their part in keeping the city’s storm drains clear. The Sauk River Watershed District (SRWD) and St. Cloud teamed up to commission the Roosevelt Boys & Girls Club to design two new storm drain murals.

Submitted by the City of St. Cloud
Both murals focus on the importance of picking up trash before it enters a storm drain. Students from the Boys & Girls Club spent a week learning about water quality as well as creating art. The student’s design was painted by local artist Sarah Drake.
Drake created a nonprofit organization, herARTS in Action, with the goal to educate the community on different global and social topics.

Submitted by the City of St. Cloud
Earlier this year, the first piece of storm drain art appeared near Val’s Hamburgers showing Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.

Stearns County