Update, 3:35 p.m. Monday, April 19th: The St. Cloud Police Department says Alicia Lewis has been found.
“Alicia Lewis has been located in the City of St. Cloud and is working with the police department regarding the circumstances of her absence,” a press release from the SCPD reads.
(KNSI) – Authorities are asking for people to be on the lookout for a missing St. Cloud woman.
The St. Cloud Police Department says 35-year-old Alicia Anne Lewis was last seen on Monday, April 12th in St. Cloud.
Police are concerned for her welfare. Lewis’s friends and family haven’t heard from her.
Lewis is 5-foot-3 tall and approximately 150 pounds with dark blonde hair and blue eyes.
If you see Lewis or know of her current whereabouts, please contact the St Cloud Police Department at 320-251-1200.

Alicia Anne Lewis