Tesla shareholders are charting the future of the electric vehicle company Thursday as they wrap up voting whether or not to restore CEO Elon Musk’s massive pay package that was thrown out by a Delaware judge
ABC News: US 2h ago
Edin Terzic has resigned as coach of Champions League runner-up Borussia Dortmund
ABC News: US 2h ago
A man who reportedly was seen waving a handgun was fatally shot by police in south Minneapolis on Wednesday night. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension confirmed that it is investigating the incident.
MPR News Staff 3h ago
“It gives me the chills" that these Olympics will be the first allowing men and women sailors equal medal opportunities, said Minnesota native Lara Dallman-Weiss, 35, who competed in the women’s 470 in the Tokyo Games and is going to...
The Associated Press 3h ago
Willi Castro and Royce Lewis homered and Carlos Correa had a career-best five hits for the Minnesota Twins, who had a season-high 24 hits in a 17-9 victory over the Rockies. Lewis went 3 for 5 with three runs.
The Associated Press 3h ago
A NASA simulation accidentally aired on the space agency's livestream. NASA said all crew members are healthy, safe and preparing for a spacewalk scheduled for Thursday.
Ayana Archie 4h ago
Historically Black West Coconut Grove is a majority Black neighborhood hidden among some of the most affluent areas in Miami that once boomed with sports and economics
ABC News: US 4h ago
On college campuses, women are making inroads in male-dominated fields like engineering and business. But that is not eliminating the earnings gaps in leadership and income in the workplace.
Jon Marcus 5h ago
Fighting in the Russia-Ukraine war has tended to pick up in summer, when it's warmer, drier and easier for both sides to maneuver. Here are five key regions and themes to know in the months ahead.
Jeongyoon Han 5h ago
Teatro del Pueblo’s adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet” integrates Latin American culture, Spanish language and spoken word poetry into Shakespeare’s classic tragedy.
Jacob Aloi 5h ago
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