
(KNSI) – Waite Park City Council will host a special meeting Monday night, and the public is invited.

Set for 6:00 p.m. in council chambers, this is the final community meeting hosted by the group developing the new comprehensive plan. Members will present on their completed preliminary draft and take feedback.

The process began in January 2022 with an online survey. Waite Park says 200 people responded, and it has posted some of the key takeaways. Safety, an economic downturn, and crumbling infrastructure were cited as the top risks for the city.

Barely a quarter (27%) said there is enough housing in total, while 65% said there are too many condominiums and apartments. Significant majorities said Waite Park needs more single-family homes, and neighborhoods should include sidewalks and trails when they are built.

The survey also asked what word they would like to be able to describe the city with ten years from now. The most common responses were safe, clean, and friendly. The comprehensive plan is the committee’s road map to try and make that a reality in 2032 and beyond.


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