
(KNSI) – The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says there have been over 200 wildfires across the state since the beginning of May.

The agency says it is tempting to use fire to clean up yard waste but dry grass or brush can quickly become a blaze that spreads quickly into something dangerous. If the worst happens, the DNR says to call 911 as soon as you are in a safe place. Trained firefighters are best equipped to put the flames out quickly. Wildfire Section Manager Paul Lundgren says people are hospitalized or die from injuries sustained while trying to contain a fire.

This is typically one of the most dangerous times of the year as snow disappears. What’s left is dead wood and vegetation which goes up easily, surrounded by plants that are still dormant.

The DNR says the threat of wildfires remains into the summertime. It reminds people that a burn pit larger than three feet in diameter or three feet in height requires a burning permit. When conditions are not favorable, like on red flag warning days, permits can be rescinded to promote safety.


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