
(KNSI) – Wintertime can look beautiful but there are a lot of chances for injuries, between snow and ice and risky sports like skiing and hockey.

Dr. Mahmood Gahrib works at the University of Minnesota as an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He gives some advice on how best to take precautions to avoid slips and falls.

“If there’s a lot of snow or this concern for ice, you want to take it slow. So as we say, you can walk like a penguin. That means walk slowly and flat-footed, use a wide stance, use appropriate footwear, take small, shuffling steps and then keep your center of gravity underneath your feet. You can sort of use your arms for balance, as well.”

Winter injuries can range from sprains to broken bones, even concussions and other serious head injuries. Gharib says significant trauma to the head and spine requires a medical evaluation, even if there doesn’t seem to be any apparent symptoms immediately after the incident.

Frostbite becomes a threat as well. Gahrib says how you dress plays a big role in keeping you safe.

“So, you really want to think about having the appropriate clothing, having several layers underneath, having some water-resistant material or gear if you can. And then covering up of exposed areas; fingers, toes, ears, nose.”

Gahrib says when it comes to the cold your body prioritizes its core, including vital organs. That leaves the extremities vulnerable.


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